Mini Marathon & Shen Classic Updates
The Great Sacandaga Mini Marathon is set to go on Saturday. Conditions should be excellent, although on the cold side. Due to some frost heaves that came up in December and early January we are going to use modified loop, all of the trails we are using have been flattned. The mini marathon will now be a 24 km race (four 6 km loops).
The starts will be in waves:
- Wave 1: Sr. Men, M1 – M4 Men – 11:00 AM
- Wave 2: M5+ Men – 11:05 AM
- Wave 3: Women (24 km) – 11:10 AM
- Wave 4: All 12 km Participants – 11:15 AM
There is still time to pre-register for the race at The fee for all participants who are pre-registerd is $20. Day of race registration will be available, the fee will be $30. Bib pickup/ registration will open at 9:30 AM in the timing buildin. Registration closes at 10:30 AM.

On Sunday the Shenendahowa Nordic club will host the Shen Classic. The race will begin at 11:00 AM, please visit the for full details.

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