Biathlon and Potluck this weekend.

The conditions are near perfect for this weekend with more snow expected tonight.  The race on Saturday is a relay format. Pretty much all that means is you get to shoot 8 rounds to hit 5 targets each time. Novices, youth and women will race 6ks (3x2k loop). The race on Sunday is an Individual  20k for Sr and Master men, all else will race a 15k. You shoot 20 rounds at 20 targets in 4 stages for an individual. NOVICE CLINICS BEGIN AT 1000 BOTH RACE DAYS. We have plenty of rifles and ammo.

I have made arrangements for the moon to come up early on Saturday, so it should be at its highest around 7PM. I am in negotiations to keep it from snowing right now but they are playing hardball and trying to throw flurries in. Potluck meals should be either maincourse, side dish or desert. Beverages can be brought also. We will have the coffees, teas, hot chocolates, water, gatoraide, etc..  At this point I only know of two chilis being prepared as main dishes. I hope that helps.  In the past we always ended up with more then enough food for everyone. Deb and I are coming up with a shoe storage place in the entry way to help preserve the nice new hardwood flooring I put where we will be eating.  I will also ask that my outhouse (real close to the main house) be used as much as possible because I am not sure if my septic tank can handle 100 or so people. (can yours?) Come ski early, the trails should be nice. We are going to close the 5k down after about 2PM because it is the race course for Sunday but the 2.5k is really nice. The Candles will be lit around 5PM or dusk.  If any changes come about I will post them.



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