Best finish yet came in the Individual race, a big surprise for me. I shot a personal best for a 4- shooting race, hitting 12 for 20. (1-3-1-3) So for those of you who don’t know how an individual race works, (like me until the night before the start) it’s just a regular interval start with 4 shootings which alternate prone, standing, prone, standing (something I almost went to the line not knowing) and NO PENALTY LOOPS. That’s actually bad. For me. ‘Cause instead, we get 1 minute of penalty for every miss. I count on at least skiing my extra 1-2k faster than everyone else! So all in all, I expected this to be my worst finish. It wasn’t. I got 43rd, 10 places better than the sprint, which I thought would be my best and turned out to be my worst! Ski splits have continued to improve, and I now have an 11th fastest ski split and I am rather pleased with myself. My teammates other friends have wasted no time in telling me that I have to be able to shoot, too, but hey, I’ll take what I can get and be happy with it. So yay! Skiing fast!

On another topic altogether, last night I attended a “disco” which basically means dance. Actually, it was exactly like any dance I’d ever witnessed, ‘cept there was alcohol. I guess that’s supposed to make it more fun…? (If you have any insight on this matter, let me know. Greatly appreciated.) Well, I didn’t even try it, not cause I’m a goody goody or something, just cause it smelled nasty. 😉 One rather tipsy teammate was kinda amusing to watch, but said teammate didn’t really get drunk enough to make a scene. I don’t really see how this disco will help me race better, but hey, I guess it’s part of the experience. And I had fun! Really, I did, I swear. It was a good time.

Relay is this Friday for us Youth Women. It will be me, Silke, and Tara. Kelly is racing with the Juniors. This will be the last of the 4 races, and we will be coming home Sunday. (So sad!) We’re partying again Saturday night, so that insight better get to me fast!


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